The lendo Dance

Sunday, April 25, 2010 · Posted in

lendo dance it tells the story of how a woman with a distinctive feminine she danced with graceful movements. It lifted off like a traditional dance ritual dance to enter a new home and welcome an honored guest in the kingdom. "

In a performance, Lendo , dance always played by the 1st group. Among them, 5 women as dancers. And 9 men as background music player. Although the number of music players there are 9 people, every move on the dance accompanied by Lendo only 2 kinds of musical instruments, namely 9 fruits that have a different tone gongs and drums 1 fruit, a type of drum. What makes this special dance that is Lendo impress all players, both women and men wearing traditional clothes of the island of Rote. Male players to wear a scarf-shaped woven fabric that is placed on the shoulders, the long robe or clothing, and hats for decoration. Meanwhile, female dancers wear cloth, gloves, and scarves made of woven products. Not only this, they also use a series of triangle, ornaments made of brass material strapped to his right leg. Triangle that is what will create a festive atmosphere when the dancers stomping feet on the floor. Interestingly again, when the gong was hit dance with the basic tone is high, the dancers spin to the right. When a player plays a low tone gong, dancers back turned toward the left. We follow the description of the Boni of privilege Lendo Dance:

"A feature of this dance is a combination of footwork with a beating gongs and drums are beaten it in rhythm. So there are some gong, gong gong accompaniment and melody, when he hit into a higher tone, the dancers have to turn to the right .. He low down to be to the left. So, if his tone rising, he turned to the right. His tone down, back down, come back down 1 tone, she turned to the left. "

Lendo dance is used in a traditional ceremony or welcome guests of honor. Now, a variety of privileges deemed to have dance Lendo able to attract tourists from different regions. Such as Riau, Padang, Surabaya, and Jakarta. Even tourists from some countries, like Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia often did not want to spend to see dance performances Lendo when visiting the island of Rote, East Nusa Tenggara.

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