Ashmore Reef ( Pulau Pasir )

Sunday, November 14, 2010 · Posted in ,

Ashmore Reef (Pulau Pasir )are only taken eight hours by sailboat from Papela, East Rote, Rote-Ndao Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is a source of livelihood of the fishermen from Rote Island.

In waters around Pulau Pasir, is rich with various species of fish, sea cucumbers and lola. Since ancient times, the ancestors of Rote are looking fish there. Sand Island is the source of life as a fishing community Rote.

Rote sea cucumbers

Pulau Pasirwhich consists of three islands, still claimed as part of the Rote, Rote Island, because there are graves of his ancestors.

However, when the area was used as a national nature reserve in Australia, traditional Indonesian fishermen practically forbidden to catch fish in there to prevent damage to the ecosystem.

Under the provisions of international law, traditional fishermen of any country are allowed to fish and other marine life because it uses a sailboat with no engine and do not know the limits of the country due to lack of available equipment.

One Response to “Ashmore Reef ( Pulau Pasir )”

admin said...

Terima Kasih artikelnya menarik ... @ admin ... bisa bergabung bersama ... kami akan memberikan + wordpress untuk blog... Jika berminat bisa konfirmasi ke
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- salam ita esa

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